
Energy drinks may cause vision loss in children, ophthalmologist warns


Zarina Kurachinova, a specialist in the field of ophthalmology, drew public attention to the serious threat that energy drinks pose to the vision of the younger generation. In an interview with, she emphasized that the components of these drinks – caffeine, taurine and inositol – have a significant effect on the vessels of the retina.

The expert notes that the risk of negative effects of energy drinks on the visual system is especially high in children and adolescents, whose bodies are in the process of development. The consequences of consuming such drinks can be more pronounced and dangerous for developing vision.

Kurachinova cited a disturbing example from the UK, where a young woman lost her sight due to regular consumption of energy drinks. The victim’s blood supply to the retina was disrupted. The doctor emphasizes that even adults are not immune to the negative effects of these drinks on eye health.

Research shows that drinking just 250 ml of energy drink leads to an increase in retinal vascular density, which lasts throughout the day. This phenomenon is explained by the combined effect of caffeine, which constricts blood vessels, and taurine and inositol, which increase blood flow.

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