
Turkmenistan participated in trade and economic meetings of the “China-CA” format


Representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan took part in events to strengthen trade and economic cooperation between China and the countries of Central Asia.

In particular, this is a meeting of senior officials “China - Central Asia” and a business forum on trade and economic cooperation between Shaanxi Province and Central Asia, which were held on June 18 in the city of Xi’an (PRC), reports the IIC.

The meeting of senior officials on trade and economic cooperation “China - Central Asia” was chaired by the director of the Eurasia Department of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. During the meeting, priority areas of trade and economic relations in the “China-Central Asia” format, strengthening cooperation in the production chain, and the creation of working groups on trade facilitation and investment interaction within the framework of the Ministerial Meeting of Dialogue Countries were discussed.

The business forum was chaired by the Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province. During the forum, the Turkmen delegation provided participants with information about the investment climate of Turkmenistan and the opportunities for trade cooperation, the source notes.

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