
Turkmenistan and Qatar discussed the opening of direct flights


The opening of direct flights between Turkmenistan and Qatar was discussed at a meeting in Ashgabat by representatives of the “Turkmenhowayollary” Agency and Charge d'Affaires of the State of Qatar in Turkmenistan Ghanem Abdullah Al-Rumaihi. The official website of the agency reports this.

Particular attention at the negotiations was paid to the possibility of establishing direct and transit flights. There was a proposal to organize promotional campaigns for Qatar Airways in Turkmenistan, including information about tariffs and services.

The provision of benefits by Qatari airports for the Ashgabat-Doha-Ashgabat flight of the Turkmen national air carrier, in the event of its launch, was also discussed in order to increase transit passenger traffic.

It was noted that citizens of Turkmenistan will be able to use the online service for simplified visa processing when traveling to Qatar.

In general, the meeting confirmed Turkmenistan’s course towards the further development of civil aviation and the expansion of international air traffic.

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