
Turkmen students brought 17 medals from the Mathematical Olympiad in Romania


Students from Turkmenistan won 17 prize medals by taking part in the International South-East European Mathematical Olympiad SEEMOUS-2024 in the Romanian city of Iasi from April 9 to 14.

According to the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, among the Turkmen medalists there are 1 gold, 7 silver and 9 bronze awards.

A student of the International University of Humanities and Development, Medine Odaнeva, was awarded an Olympiad gold medal for her knowledge.

Students of MUGNiR Nurmyrat Ataнev and Myratgeldi Annamuhammedov were awarded two silver medals; Azymgeldy Shikhov and Dovletmyrat Esenov – two bronze medals.

The students of Magtymguly TSU won 5 medals: Balkan Dzhepbarov, Shabibi Nurjanova, Serdar Orazmyradov and Emir Vellekov received 4 silvers. 1 bronze for Agabek Matyakubov.

Two medalists are representatives of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering: Muhammetmyrat Gochmuradov (silver) and Nagym Tanrygulyev (bronze).

The winners of another 5 silver medals were Mergen Gaipov (Turkmen Agricultural Institute), Myahriban Dovranova (Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov), Maksat Akmyradov (Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan), Bayram Turaev (State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan) and Dovlet Nurmyradov (Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management).

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Turkmen students have demonstrated excellent skills in solving mathematical problems and excellent results in participating in this Olympiad.

This year, students from about 30 universities from 9 countries took part in the Olympiad in Romania.

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