Turkmenistan continues to strengthen the national legal framework


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which topical issues of the country’s socio-economic development were discussed, TDH writes.

As the Chairman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova reported, currently the working commissions are carrying out activities on the draft of a new edition of the Civil Code of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan “On the Cultural Heritage of Magtymguly Fragi”, and also making the necessary changes and additions to the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Physical Culture and Sports” and “About seed production”.

Information was provided on measures being taken to further strengthen fruitful contacts with parliaments of foreign countries and international organizations. In particular, on the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, credentials were accepted from the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Turkmenistan.

Along with this, meetings were held with the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation, members of the delegation led by the head of the Georgian parliament, the vice-president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the special representative for Central Asia of this structure, during which issues of expanding bilateral interaction, as well as the possibility of intensifying cooperation between inter-parliamentary groups were considered friendship.

In addition, it was reported that during the official visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people to the Republic of Tajikistan, deputies of the Mejlis with their colleagues discussed the prospects for partnership between the relevant committees of the parliaments of the two friendly states and exchanged experience in improving legislative activities through the Turkmen-Tajik Friendship Group.

Information was given about the participation of people’s representatives in events to explain to the general public the key aspects of the ongoing domestic and foreign policy, the goals of the adopted legal acts, as well as the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need to continue effective work to improve the national legal system in accordance with modern requirements.

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