
The head of Turkmenistan congratulated the elected President of Slovakia on his victory in the elections


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent sincere congratulations and best wishes to Peter Pellegrini on the occasion of his victory in the elections of the President of the Slovak Republic, TDH reports.

Taking this opportunity, Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed Peter Pellegrini with wishes of good health, happiness and great success in responsible government activities, and to the entire people of Slovakia - further progress and prosperity.

It is worth noting that the speaker of the National Council (Parliament) of Slovakia and the leader of the Voice - Social Democracy party, Peter Pellegrini, won the election of the President of Slovakia. According to the results of the second round held on Saturday, April 6, he received the votes of 53.12% of voters. His opponent, former Slovak Foreign Minister Ivan Korczok, was supported by 46.87%. The turnout was 61.14%.

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