Turkmenistan will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Italian Embassy in the country


Cultural, political, business and educational events will be organized in Turkmenistan to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Italian Embassy in Ashgabat, Italian Ambassador to Turkmenistan Luigi Ferrari said, reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

The diplomat reminded that last year, with the support of the Italian Embassy, concerts dedicated to the work of the great Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi were held in Ashgabat. In March 2024, a joint performance by famous pianists of the two countries is planned.

The Italian Ambassador emphasized the importance of cultural diplomacy to strengthen friendly ties between the two countries.

Over the past decade, the bilateral dialogue between Turkmenistan and Italy has developed dynamically in various fields. Thus, the head of the Italian company Leonardo S.p.A. Stefano Pontecorvo, at a meeting with the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, confirmed his readiness to expand cooperation.

The Ambassador of Italy to Turkmenistan stated that Turkmenistan and Italian companies have established productive contacts in the trade and economic sphere, energy and other industries, and in the private sector. These contacts contributed to building up a solid potential for interaction between countries.

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