
The first day of the Turkmen-Iranian exhibition of decorative, applied and mosaic art ended in Mary


An exhibition of decorative, applied and mosaic art of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran continues its work in Mary velayat, TDH reports.

The grand opening of the joint show took place on December 14 at the local history museum of the Mary region, where on this occasion representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and relevant institutions, the general public, and the media gathered. The Iranian delegation included creative groups, masters of folk crafts, mosaic and decorative arts.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iran to Turkmenistan Ali Mojtaba Ruzbekhani and the cultural attache and head of the Cultural Center at the Iranian Embassy in Ashgabat Navid Rasuli noted that the current action is aimed at strengthening friendship, mutual understanding and trusting dialogue between the Turkmen and Iranian peoples, who have a long-standing history of good neighborly relations.

With great interest, visitors got acquainted with the exhibits of the exhibition, where works of decorative and applied arts, ceramics and sculpture, works of brush and canvas artists, folk crafts, including carpets, felts, tapestries, samples of clothing and other items of traditional life were presented in all their diversity. and the way of life of the Turkmens.

Craftsmen demonstrated and captivatingly talked about the process of making carpets and pottery, embroidery, various national instruments, and working with wood and metal. There was a living connection between times, spiritual heritage, and the continuity of original traditions, which are not only carefully preserved, but also developed.

The decoration of the current show were samples of exquisite dishes with hand-painted “minakari” technique and “hatamkari” mosaics, paintings, unique book editions, clothing samples and souvenirs, musical instruments, which reveal the rich history and art of the Iranian people.

Of particular interest to the visitors were the works made in two styles of the ancient technique of “toreutics” – “Isfahan” and “Tabriz”, where plant ornaments, traditional symbols and subjects of Persian miniatures were used.

As part of the event, a master class on mosaic art was held, at which its participants were introduced to the basics of mosaic making and told about its role in Iranian culture.

The large-scale event resulted in a bright and warm celebration of friendship and creativity, and also contributed to the further development of the Turkmen-Iranian interstate dialogue.

In the evening, residents and guests of Mary were invited to the State Drama Theater named after. Kemina, where a concert took place with the participation of musical groups from two countries.

As part of the cultural program, foreign guests took an excursion to the historical and cultural state reserve “Nisa” - an open-air museum that preserves traces of an ancient civilization that harmoniously combined local cultural traditions and elements of ancient Greek and Roman art.

Participants in the creative event got acquainted with the history of studying the monuments of the Parthian kingdom, the finds of archaeologists presented in the museum of the reserve, and learned about the latest scientific discoveries confirming the great value of these objects that require further research.

The joint exhibition will continue on December 15. On this day, the Iranian delegation will visit the historical and cultural state reserve of Ancient Merv and get acquainted with the sights of the Turkmen capital.

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