Four young Turkmen musicians brought silver and bronze from the Delphic Games


Four young Turkmen musicians returned from the 17th Delphic Games in Bishkek with silver and bronze medals.

Two silver medals were won by a 2nd year student of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kuliyeva Seyran Ataniyazov (violin) and student of the Balkanabat Music School Guchberdy Gulov (bagshy).

Bronze was brought by Erjel Yakshimuradov (piano), a student at the Turkmen National Conservatory, and Elina Gurbanova (piano), a 10th grade student at a special music boarding school at the Turkmen National Conservatory.

According to the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, Seyran Ataniyazov said that the competition was held at a very high level:

- The very atmosphere of the Delphic Games was unforgettable: a friendly atmosphere, advice from jury members, meeting peers from seven CIS countries, for whom virtuosity in playing the violin is the goal of life.

His teacher Nazik Saryeva says:

- This prestigious international competition was the first for the Turkmen violin school. Thanks to the leadership of our country, today the roads are open for gifted youth to improve their talent and improve their professional level.

Concertmaster Stella Faramazova noted that several interpretations of the Great Adagio from the ballet “Spartacus” by Aram Khachaturian were performed at the competition. But most of all, the audience liked Seyran Ataniyazov’s interpretation.

The Delphic Games ended with a gala concert, at which Erjel Yakshimuradov was entrusted with performing. He performed “Toccata” by Sergei Prokopyev, and the State Flag of Turkmenistan rose above the stage during his performance. It was an exciting moment for the entire Turkmen delegation, the source notes.

We previously reported that young Turkmen artists received special diplomas at the Delphic Games of the CIS countries.

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