Representatives of Turkmenistan participate in the regional conference on population and development


From 19 to 20 October, the delegation of Turkmenistan is taking part in the ICPD30 regional conference for Eastern Europe and Central Asia “Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices”, organized by UNECE and UNFPA in Geneva.

The conference covered the topics of population dynamics and sustainable development, family planning and reproductive health, the need to ensure social inclusion and rights in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Each country was given the opportunity to highlight its progress towards achieving the priorities outlined in the ICPD Chair's post-2014 summary, UNFPA posted on social media.

The Regional Conference on ICPD30, marking the thirtieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), aims to contribute to the assessment of progress made since the last regional review in 2018.

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