Afghanistan plans to build a new border crossing on the border with Turkmenistan


The Afghan government plans to build a new border crossing on the border with Turkmenistan. The checkpoint will be located in the Bala Murghab region of the northwestern province of Badghis, reports Big Asia with reference to TOLOnews.

According to government spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, the new checkpoint will be designed to facilitate the export and import of goods between the two countries.

The head of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment, Mohammad Yusuf Mohmand, said that the new checkpoint will be the best border crossing for the transport of oil and flour. He called on the Afghan authorities to speed up the construction and equipping of the checkpoint with the necessary equipment.

Currently, Afghan authorities are negotiating with companies to sign a construction contract.

Today, there are two border crossings between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan: in the village of Akina, Faryab province, and the city of Turgundi, Herat province.

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