
Rail transport infrastructure is being modernized in several regions of Turkmenistan


In Turkmenistan, it is planned to construct modern buildings at the railway stations of the city of Bayramaly, Mary velayat, Kaakhka and Bakharden etraps, Ahal velayat, as well as the city of Balkanabat, Balkan velayat.

The work being carried out to implement plans for the further development of railway infrastructure was reported today at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers by the Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Government, Mammethan Chakyev, the information program “Watan” of Turkmen television reported.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the development of the railway network is one of the most important priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan. In this regard, the head of state gave a number of instructions to the Agency of Transport and Communications, including on the modernization of industry infrastructure and the introduction of the latest technologies in the construction of facilities.

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