
The report of the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan on his activities and the situation in the field of human rights in the country in 2022 was published


The Report of the Authorized Representative for Human Rights in Turkmenistan (Ombudsman) on his activities and on the human rights situation in the country in 2022 has been published.

The purpose of the Report is to review the milestones achieved in the reporting year to improve the standard of living of a person and citizen, respect for human rights in the country and highlight the work carried out by the Ombudsman within his powers in the field of human and civil rights and freedoms.

The report includes information on the following sections:

  • Situation on provision and observance of human and civil rights and freedoms in Turkmenistan;
  • Civil and political rights;
  • Economic, social and cultural rights;
  • Analysis of work with citizens' appeals;
  • Activities of the Ombudsman to assist in the improvement of the national legislation of Turkmenistan;
  • Participation of the Ombudsman in public events. Assistance in raising awareness in the field of human rights;
  • The international cooperation;
  • Appeals and recommendations of the Ombudsman.

The document provides statistics and figures on these topics.

You can read the Report on the website of the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

We remind that the Authorized Representative for Human Rights in Turkmenistan is Gurbannazarova Yazdursun, who was elected to the post on March 20, 2017.

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