A forum of world media dedicated to the opening of the first "smart" city in Turkmenistan was held in Arkadag


An international media forum dedicated to the opening of the country's first "smart" city was held today in the city of Arkadag. The meeting was attended by foreign guests, heads of a number of institutions of Turkmenistan, representatives of foreign and domestic mass media who took part in the opening ceremony of the "smart city", the information program Watan of the Turkmen television reported.

Speakers at the event congratulated the people of Turkmenistan on a grand event - the opening of the new city of Arkadag. As noted, this is a significant event not only for Turkmenistan, but for the entire region as a whole.

According to the participants of the media forum, the opening of the country's first "smart" city, which received a special legal status on the legislative basis - a city of state significance, indicates that Turkmenistan is at the forefront of solving environmental problems and introducing innovative technologies in urban planning projects in order to creating favorable and comfortable living conditions for people.

The new city, located in the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, is an exemplary example of a "smart" city, the life of which is integrated with advanced digital, information and communication and "green" technologies and solutions. Such an actual aspect as ecology is given special attention here. Thus, environmentally friendly materials were used in the construction of facilities. The successful solution of the tasks set in this area is evidenced by the fact that the city of Arkadag was awarded a certificate of accession to the project “Development of sustainable, green, climate-friendly cities with innovative solutions in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe”.

Among the objects of the new city is also the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

As noted in the speeches, in fact, this is a whole children's town, including a complex of facilities. On the well-maintained territory of the complex, conditions are created for the exciting pastime of children in the fresh air.

One of the topics of the forum was also the creation of conditions in Turkmenistan for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, it was emphasized that the country is taking important steps towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, in particular, the creation of sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities.

The appearance of the new city found a harmonious combination of the best traditions of national architecture and modern trends in architecture and design. The complex infrastructure created here that meets international standards, including in the environmental sphere, provides optimal comfort and convenience for residents. Eco-friendly types of public transport - electric buses and electric taxis - will run along the city highways.

At the end of the Forum, its participants noted with satisfaction that the targeted measures taken in Turkmenistan to optimize the urban space and improve the living standards of the population are an exemplary example of the consistent solution of the tasks outlined in the strategic programs of the Community of Nations.

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