
The premiere of a new opera production took place in Ashgabat


Today at the National Music and Drama Theater named after Magtymguly, within the framework of the Week of Culture held in Ashgabat, the premiere performance of the opera performance "Arkach" was held.

The literary basis of the opera narrative was the folk destan "Ayna" or Arkaç galdy Aýnam-how. The external plot of the play is uncomplicated. The action takes place in the settlement of Arkach in the 18th century. Lovers Sohbet and Ayna, despite the prohibition of the girl's father, the rich Jumagulybay, overcome difficulties and unite. But fate prepares them new trials that make the protagonist appreciate and love life even more. Sohbet masters the art of music. Traveling through the villages, he performs at festivities.

The performance tells about the all-conquering power of art, helping the characters to maintain love and fidelity. The new opera production is saturated with action; original customs, rituals and traditions of the Turkmen people, accompanying their holidays and everyday life, are organically woven into its musical and stage outline. All mass scenes of the performance are permeated with life-affirming power.

In the musical dramaturgy of the new performance, the possibilities of large stages are widely used; the opera is replete with extended choral episodes in which folk melodies and songs are used. The author's music is also melodic, intonationally close to national folklore and contains a number of memorable, expressive characteristics.

The creative team managed to convey to the viewer the national specifics of the images, to convey the national flavor. The opera “Arkach”, which organically combines the integrity of dramaturgy, the brightness of stage images, the beauty of music, costumes and scenery, is attended by both the artists of the National Music and Drama Theater named after Magtymguly, and teachers and students of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kuliyeva. The roles of the main characters were played by Kadyr Esenov - Sohbet and Dunyagozel Begaliyeva - Ayna.

This union of experience, skill and youth emphasizes the idea of continuity of generations and the best traditions of mentoring, characteristic of Turkmen culture.

The new production was created in the creative union of the composer - People's Artist of Turkmenistan Hudaynazar Amangeldiyev, the author of the libretto - People's Writer of Turkmenistan Govshutgeldi Danatarov and director - Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan Aynazar Batyrov. Choreographic scenes were directed by Sabyr Ashirov. The orchestra was conducted by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Kurbanmurad Babayev.

Spectacle and expressiveness of the performance was given by the colorful scenery of the artist Mekan Annamuradov and bright costumes created by Keyik Hojaeva.

The performance ended with a patriotic song. Her last musical chord did not have time to sound, as the hall "exploded" with applause.

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