
Scientists from Korea will be engaged in the restoration of Kazakhstani forests


Specialists from Korea will help restore the burned forest in the Abay region (Kazakhstan), reports with reference to abainewskz.

This issue was discussed during a meeting in Seoul of a deputy of the Majilis committee on environmental issues with the vice-president of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization.

“In 50-60 years, Korea has planted 11 billion trees and restored 2,5 million hectares of land in order to restore forests. In this regard, we offered the Korean side to use their rich experience with us”, - the deputy said.

He also noted that the issue of attracting Koreans to train local specialists, or sending a group of Kazakhs to practice in the Land of Morning Calm was discussed.

Let us remind that on June 8, trees caught fire on the territory of the Batpaevsky forestry in the “Semey Ormany” reserve. 15 people became victims of the fire. In Kazakhstan, June 12 was declared the Day of National Mourning. A week after the start of large-scale forest fires in the Abay region, the Ministry of Emergency Situations announced the localization of the fire.

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