
A number of service and production facilities will be built in the city of Arkadag


A number of service and production facilities will be built in the city of Arkadag. The corresponding Decree “in order to further improve the living standards of the population, develop industry in the regions, and implement the cluster project”, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed today, announced the “Watan” news program of the Turkmen television.

The document prescribes “to carry out the construction of service and production facilities for the production of food, industrial, pharmaceutical and medical products in the city of Arkadag in 2023-2026”.

According to the document, the relevant departments were instructed to hold an international tender for the construction of these facilities in the industrial zone.

The resolution was signed during an extended offsite meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held in the city of Arkadag, before which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with an exhibition of various products and developments of specialized structures of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Oguz han Engineering and Technology University.

Among them are injection instruments made of polypropylene and polyethylene, which indicates the establishment of the production of medical supplies from local raw materials. This approach permits not only to reduce the cost of the final product, but also to increase the export potential of the industry.

A separate place at the exhibition was given to the developments of specialists from the Oguz han Engineering and Technology University. The presented products of processing licorice root and harmala seeds, information about the technology for obtaining table salt from the waste of the Garlyk mining and processing plant demonstrate the practical steps of young scientists to successfully solve the tasks.

Having familiarized himself with the exposition, the head of state stressed the importance of using pharmaceuticals from local raw materials and increasing their exports.

“Taking into account the construction of predominantly production facilities within the second stage of the city of Arkadag, it is necessary to purposefully use modern scientific developments and achievements, study in detail the latest discoveries and advanced ideas, and take a responsible approach to their implementation in production”, - said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, addressing the relevant leaders with specific instructions.

As noted, all this together will contribute not only to the modernization of the healthcare system, but also to strengthening the potential of the national economy.

The city of Arkadag, in which approximately 70 thousand people will live, is being built on an area of 950 hectares, 30 kilometers southwest of the Turkmen capital. “Smart” residential buildings controlled via a smartphone, a square with a flagpole, buildings of the hyakimlik and other institutions have been built here.

The construction of this mega-project was started in 2019.

On March 24, 2023, a new Law of Turkmenistan came into force, according to which a special legal status is assigned to the city of Arkadag - a city of state importance. Its opening ceremony will be held on June 29, 2023.

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