Four-day working week approved by law in Kazakhstan


Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev signed amendments to the law on a four-day working week, reports TASS.

The possibility of establishing a four-day working week at the discretion of the employer will appear from July 1 this year, which will be enshrined in the Labor Code of the country. “By agreement of the parties, the employment contract permits the establishment of a four-day working week with the right to alternate with a five-day or six-day working week”, - reads the relevant article of the Code.

Changes in the law provide for the possibility of setting up a 4- and 5-day working week at individual enterprises, which can alternate. For all types of work schedule, one of the days off remains unchanged - Sunday. The second and third days off will be determined by the company's labor regulations or labor agreements.

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