The Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Brussels took part in an exhibition dedicated to the culture of Central Asian countries


Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Brussels Sapar Palvanov took part in an exhibition dedicated to the culture of Central Asian countries, which was held in the office building of the European External Action Service.

As reported on the website of the Embassy, the exhibition also featured Turkmen national jewelry, carpets and handicrafts, Turkmen national dishes were offered to the participants of the event.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Sapar Palvanov stressed that the event once again provides an opportunity to see the relationship between the history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia. The Ambassador also informed the audience about the urban development program in Turkmenistan, spoke in detail about the facilities of the new administrative center of the Ahal velayat - the city of Arkadag.

The Turkmen diplomat noted that in recent years, trade, economic and cultural ties have been strengthened between the countries of Central Asia, interregional transport and logistics systems are developing and expanding. It was noted that in a short time, multifaceted cooperation between the regions was established and joint projects and programs were successfully implemented.

“Turkmenistan is ready to continue the exchange of experience on mutual cooperation with the regions”, Sapar Palvanov concluded.

Let us remind that Sapar Palvanov officially began to perform diplomatic functions in August last year.

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