President of Turkmenistan demanded to intensify the tempo of owing of winter wheat


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov demanded to increase the pace of sowing winter wheat from the heads of regional administrations and Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture Annageldi Yazmyradov. The relevant instructions were given today during a workshop on the digital system.

“Stressing that the sowing is slow in some of the etraps, the head of state ordered to increase the pace of the relevant work,” the information program “Watan” of the Turkmen television reported.

“The fate of the future harvest depends on it,” Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed and gave the hyakims a number of specific instructions.

We remind that the sowing of winter wheat started on September 2 simultaneously in all the velayats of the country.

The grain field of Turkmenistan will occupy 690 thousand hectares of land, from which 1 million 400 thousand tons of grain will be harvested in 2023, including 400 in the Ahal velayat, 345 in Mary, 310 in Lebap, 265 in Dashoguz and 80 thousand tons in Balkan.

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