Pushkin Theater in Ashgabat is preparing a performance dedicated to Nury Halmamedov


“Strings of the Soul” – this is the name of the play, dedicated to the life and work of the brilliant Turkmen composer Nury Halmamedov, which is being prepared by the State Russian Drama Theatre A. S. Pushkin.

As informs the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the premiere performance will participate in the upcoming theater festival of the national level.

In accordance with the idea, Nury Halmamedov will appear before the audience as a boy, a young man and a mature man. According to the script the images of composers Chary Nurymov, Aman Agajikov, friend and poet Gurbannazar Ezizov, singer Atageldy Garyagdyev were introduced into the performance.

Sovhet Serbazov and Mamedgurban Mamedgurbanov are the authors of the play. The stage director is Bilbil Mammadov – personally knew the composer: they live in the neighborhood, talked in their student years, studying in Moscow.

The actor Magtymguly Gurbanov plays the role of Nury Halmamedov.

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