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The oldest resident of Ashgabat turns 103 years old


Mihail Hachaturov, the oldest resident of the Turkmen capital, recently turned 103 years old.

Mihail Mihailovich retained his love of life, despite the fact that the hardships experienced would be enough for two lives.

The life and fate of Mihail Hachaturov is inextricably linked with Turkmenistan. His family moved to Ashgabat in 1940. In 1942, Mikhail Mikhailovich went to the front. He fought on the I and II Ukrainian fronts, took part in the battles for the liberation of Ukraine and Poland.

After the war, he taught at the capital's irrigation and drainage technical school.

Mihail Mihailovich considers participation in the construction of the Karakum Canal an important matter of life.

It is noteworthy that at the age of 103, M. Hachaturov can use the Internet to find music or information of interest. At the same time, the pensioner does not know the special secret of longevity. He believes that life expectancy is influenced by a good, interesting life and a favorite job.

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