Berdimuhamedov congratulated Ignazio Cassis on his election as President of Switzerland


President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent warm congratulations and best wishes to Ignazio Cassis on his election as President of the Swiss Confederation, the “Vatan” news program of the Turkmen television reported today.

Taking this pleasant opportunity, the head of Turkmenistan expressed wishes of good health, happiness and prosperity to the President of the Swiss Confederation, as well as success in his new position.

The 60-year-old head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Ignazio Cassis was elected President of the Swiss Confederation on December 8, receiving 156 out of 197 valid votes in parliament.

The President-elect of Switzerland worked as a doctor before entering politics. In 2021, Cassis took over as Vice President of Switzerland, combining it with the position of Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, which he has held since 2017. He will carry out presidential powers, remaining the head of the foreign policy department.

The office of President in Switzerland, who is elected for a term of 1 year, is alternately held by members of the Federal Council (Government), which consists of seven ministers. The election of the President in this Confederation is nominal and usually goes without discussion, since the vice-president of the previous head of state is usually appointed to this position.

In Switzerland, the President is not the head of state, as this function is performed by the entire Federal Council. At the same time, the President does not have the right to re-elect for a second term, and after the expiration of the term of office, he returns to work in the ministry, which he previously headed.

The President in Switzerland presides over the meetings of the Government; in case of equality of votes, his opinion becomes decisive. It also welcomes visiting foreign heads of state to the Confederation.

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