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Turkmenistan has developed a national SDG platform


The process of creating a national platform of Turkmenistan for the collection and dissemination of SDG data has been completed within the framework of the joint project "Platform for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)" implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.

The National Platform is based on the list of SDG indicators adopted by Turkmenistan. The national platform for SDG reporting and the developed multifunctional software contains detailed information, including sliders describing the country's achievements, metadata, charts, graphs and levels of disaggregation by SDG indicators, according to a UNDP press release.

The creation and implementation of a national platform for statistical reporting on SDG is aimed at building a system for monitoring data and evaluating results for planning and tracking progress in achieving the SDG in the country, fulfilling international reporting obligations, preparing national reports on the achievement of the SDG that will be available to a wide range of users. including government agencies, the private sector and civil society organizations. This, in turn, will give additional dynamism to the process of developing recommendations for monitoring information flows on the SDG and will help to increase the national statistical capacity of Turkmenistan.

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