
UNDP in Turkmenistan carried out an action to plant 5 000 varietal seedlings of fruit trees


A five-day campaign for planting seedlings of fruit trees in Lebap velayat in the Deynau etraps and Dashoguz in the Gorogly etrap was initiated and carried out by the UN Development Program project "Support for Climatically Sustainable Economic Livelihoods of Agricultural Communities in Arid Regions of Turkmenistan."

More than 50 representatives of the private sector, local community, universities and local administration took part in the action.

The goal of the action is to implement measures to adapt to climate change and strengthen the resilience of rural people, including girls and women, by supporting the development of gardening as a main or alternative source of income.

During the campaign, about 5 ss000 seedlings of fruit trees (tall and dwarf) were planted, which were purchased from the official nursery of Samarkand, Uzbekistan with the support of the USAID Central Asia Competitiveness, Trade and Job Creation (CTJ) project.

The event is aimed at improving the functioning of farms and household plots, as well as increasing the yield and profitability of crops grown against the background of an increasing shortage of water resources and the impact of climate change.

The tree planting campaign was preceded by a series of training trainings and the development of practical instructions and recommendations for the development of horticulture in the conditions of the regions, which were organized with the support of the "Promoting the Improvement of Governance in Turkmenistan" program funded by the US Agency for International Development.

For the most active participants in the trainings, a drip irrigation system was purchased in order to save water and a small production of biohumus was established, which is necessary for feeding seedlings in the development of horticulture.

As part of its project activities, UNDP seeks to introduce an integrated and cross-sectoral ecosystem approach at the village level. The dissemination of successful and sustainable practices for the development of competent gardening, along with building the capacity of the local community, contributes to more sustainable land and water management and increases the opportunities for local populations to generate an additional source of income, according to a UNDP press release.

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