Ashgabat University hosted a week of journalism


The week of journalism was held at the International University for Humanities and Development, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reports.

Within the framework of the Week, a number of events were organized aimed at acquainting students studying in different areas of specialization with journalistic activities, as well as increasing competencies, interest and motivation to study journalism skills.

During the thematic week, many areas of journalism were presented, as well as creative meetings, competitions for the best: an article, a poem and a photograph of Ashgabat.

With the support of the student club of journalists “Acta Diurna”, which opened recently, educational games were organized, including in an online format, mainly devoted to topics such as Internet journalism and the history of journalism.

Participation in the competitions involved students in independent creative activities, and most importantly, helped to identify creative talented among them.


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