People of Turkmenistan will rest on Kurban Bayram for 4 days in a row


Turkmen citizens will rest for four days in a row on Kurban Bayram – from June 16 to 19, according to the decree of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The document was signed “in order to carefully preserve the original spiritual and moral values of the Turkmen people, consistently enhance national traditions and customs inherited from their ancestors, further strengthen unity and cohesion, as well as in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of Turkmenistan,” reports the Neutral newspaper Turkmenistan”.

The resolution prescribes:

  • The national holiday of the Turkmen people, Kurban Bayram, will be celebrated on June 16–17–18, 2024.
  • Move the day off from June 16, 2024 to Wednesday, June 19.
  • All institutions, enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, must ensure the implementation of this Decree.
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