
Enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry take part in the international exhibition


The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan is taking part in the International Online Exhibition “Central Asia - Virtual EXPO (CAVEX)”. As we wrote earlier, the exhibition, organized by the Japan Association for Trade with Russia and Newly Independent States, will run from February 15 to 26.

February 19 will be entirely devoted to the Turkmen exposition. Representatives of the textile complex prepared a report on the achievements of the industry and plans for the near future to increase the capacity of the textile complex and expand international cooperation in this area.

The enterprises of the domestic textile industry are preparing to demonstrate their achievements to foreign partners. Products of Turkmen manufacturers are very popular not only in Turkmenistan, but are also of considerable interest to guests of our country. The opened exhibition will contribute to the greater popularization of Turkmen textiles abroad and will help establish new business contacts.


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