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The Ministry of Healthcare of Turkmenistan has registered the Sputnik V vaccine


Today the Ministry of healthcare and medical industry of Turkmenistan registered Russian vaccine “Sputnik V” with the issuance of certificate, informs MFA of Turkmenistan

General director of the Russian Private Investment Fund (RPIF) Kiril Dmitriev announced:

“Turkmenistan became the first country in Central Asia that officially approved the use of “Sputnik V” vaccine on its territory. The partners highly appreciated the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, which today is one of the world's leading drugs in the fight against coronavirus. Vaccine is approved by state regulator in the different regions of the world. We are sure that vaccination of the population with checked medicine “Sputnik V”, created on the basis of well learned platform of adenovirus vector of the human is one of the key elements in preventive measures of coronavirus infection distribution”. 

“Sputnik V” vaccine to this date is approved for use more that in 10 countries, informs the source.

We remind that “Sputnik V” is the vaccine against coronavirus was developed by RDE named after Gamalei (RF). The vaccine passed corresponding tests and in the august of 2020 was registered in Russia. “Sputnik V” is the first in the world registered vaccine against coronavirus. 


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