Ministry of Healthcare of Turkmenistan via SMS called on citizens to dress warmer


Today citizens of Turkmenistan were sent out short messages (SMS) from the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan with an appeal to dress warmer in winter and according season.

«Hormatly adamlar! Gyş paslynyň dowam edýän günlerinde, paslyň talaplaryna laýyklykda geýiniň. Daşaryk çykaňyzda başgap, ýyly egin-eşik, typmaýan aýakgaplary, ellikleri geýiň. Eger siz şu düzgünleri berjaý etseňiz ýylyň hemme pasyllarynda öz saglygyňyzy gorap bilersiňiz! TSG we DSG», — is said in SMS I Turkmen language.

Word for word translation: “Dress appropriately for the season on winter days. When leaving your home, wear warm clothing, non-slip shoes, and gloves. By observing these rules, you can protect your health at any time of the year! Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan”.

We remind you that from the 10th of December in Ashgabat and several regions of Turkmenistan was snowing. Today and tomorrow daily temperature will raise on the territory of Turkmenistan, on the south of Balkan velayat to +15, on the rest part of the country +1….+6. 


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