
Students from Turkmenistan won 4 medals at the international chemistry Olympiad


Turkmen schoolchildren took part in the 54th international Mendeleev chemistry Olympiad in online format and won 4 medals: two silver and two bronze.

Silver medalists: Berdigylych Rejepbayev, a 10th-grade student of The state boarding school for especially gifted children and Davut Muhammetguliyev, a 9th-grade student of the secondary school of Ashgabat No. 86 with in-depth study of English, chemistry and biology.

Bronze medalists: Yusup Dovletmuradov, a 10th-grade student and Gozel Dovranova, a 9th-grade student at a State boarding school.

The team was led by Nazar Mamedov, a chemistry teacher at A state boarding school for particularly gifted children. 

The online Olympiad, which was attended by 131 students from 27 countries, was organized by a team of scientists from Moscow state University and the Olympic Organizing Committee. 

Since this year's Mendeleev chemistry Olympiad was held online, only the 1st and 2nd rounds of theory were held.

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