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In Turkmenistan there is an increased content of dust in the atmospheric air


The information center of the Ministry of health and medical industry of Turkmenistan reports that as a result of the analysis of the state of atmospheric air in the city of Ashgabat and the velayats in recent days, wind and dust activity was observed due to the impact of air flow from the South-East, North-East and North that entered the territory of Turkmenistan. An increased dust content in the atmospheric air was registered, which is unfavorable for human health, namely for the respiratory system. In mid-summer to reduce natural exogenous exposure due to possible changes in the composition of the air and increase the content of harmful substances the health workers, retail outlets, public transport and other service workers must use individual means of protection of the upper respiratory tract – medical masks.

The same prevention measures should be followed by people who have chronic and allergic diseases. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal and public hygiene, first of all, wash your hands, maintain cleanliness at home and at work.

Hands should be washed within 20 seconds, with soap, under running water. Periodically rinse the mouth with salt water (1 teaspoon per 1 Cup of boiled cold water). Lubricate the nasal mucosa with Oxolinum ointment. Periodically ventilate the room, opening the Windows for fresh air.

In the outer territories, it is prescribed to carry out cleaning and watering activities. To ensure a safe microclimate in the room, you need to effectively use the medicinal plant yuzarlik, as well as periodically conduct wet cleaning. In the summer, given the high temperature of the environment, you cannot allow its contrasting differences, that is, coming from the street, you should not be in a cooled room under the air conditioner, use cold water in a gulp. This can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is necessary to protect yourself from direct sunlight. You need to wear light-colored cotton clothing and use umbrellas. In summer, it is important to drink clean drinking water in the amount of 1.5-2.5 liters, without overloading the body. In summer, very useful teas from medicinal plants with the use of dried fruits, which ensure the maintenance of a normal ratio of trace elements in the body.

An important condition for proper nutrition in the summer is the consumption of vegetables and fruits, easily digestible food. When preparing salads, use vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise and refrain from canned foods.

Food products should be purchased in shopping centers, paying attention to the shelf life, and ensure proper storage conditions at home.

The information center of the Ministry of health and medical industry of Turkmenistan appeals to all Turkmen citizens: observing these simple but important rules, you will be healthy at any time of the year.

“Neutral Turkmenistan” Newspaper.

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