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Human development Report for 2019 presented in Ashgabat


Today, the presentation of the human development Report for 2019, organized by the UNDP mission in Turkmenistan, took place at the “Yyldyz” hotel in Ashgabat.

Natia Natsvlishvili, acting permanent representative of UNDP in Turkmenistan, opened the event.

The presentation "Report on human development in the global and regional perspective" was made by UNDP senior economist Ben Sley.

According to the 2019 human development Report, inequality remains a key challenge to achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the sustainable development Goals (SDG) as an integral part of it. The report is based on analysis of indicators of human development index (HDI), and despite some progress over the last 20 years, the world community is still faced with serious inequalities in various forms: about 600 million people live in extreme poverty, 262 million children do not attend primary school, and 5.4 million infants do not live to be 5 years old. The Report therefore calls for urgent, comprehensive and country-specific measures in the political, economic, environmental and technical fields.

Human development index (HDI): this is a combined index that measures the average of achievements in the three main dimensions of human development: health and longevity, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.

Comments on the Report were made by Deputy Minister of Finance and economy of Turkmenistan Muhammetguly Serdarov, Deputy Minister of health and medical industry of Turkmenistan Chary Agamuradov, Deputy Minister of agriculture and environment of Turkmenistan Allanur Altiyev.

According to the Report, Turkmenistan is on the 108th place and is included in the category of countries with a high level of human development (HDI), namely, with fairly high indicators of life expectancy, duration of education, and gross national income.

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