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Turkmenistan will join a number of international conventions


In 2020, Turkmenistan will join a number of international conventions. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and foreign Minister Rashid Meredov at a meeting of the government today, providing President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with proposals for joining international conventions and multilateral documents in a number of areas, the State news Agency reported.

In the economic sphere – It is the United Nations Convention on international settlement agreements, which is an instrument for promoting international trade and promoting mediation as an alternative and effective method of resolving trade disputes.

In the field of transport – the European agreement on international highways, which provides for the creation of an international road system in the region where the activities of the UN Economic Commission for Europe are carried out.

In the field of environmental protection-the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants, which provides for the cessation of the use of persistent toxic substances-organic pesticides. As well as the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the ozone layer, aimed at consistently reducing the production and consumption of substances that harm the environment.

In the cultural and humanitarian sphere, the Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions is designed to create conditions for the free interaction of different cultures and strengthen international cooperation in this area.

In the intellectual field-the patent law Treaty, which provides for the improvement of the process of consideration of national patent applications and patents.

Turkmenistan is currently a party to 152 multilateral international instruments. These include 133 conventions adopted by the UN and its specialized agencies.

At the suggestion of Turkmenistan, a special Resolution of the UN General Assembly declared 2021 the International year of peace and trust.

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