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Don't slouch! What happens if you don't take care of your posture


Many of us have heard that poor posture can lead to a number of health problems, which we will look at in this article.

The spinal column or spine is the basis of the skeleton of the body and each of its sections has its own “area of responsibility”. Changes in the spine, including those caused by incorrect posture, affect the functioning of systems and organs.

The website provides several examples:

- lateral curvature of the spine leads to deformation of the chest, which causes breathing problems;

- incorrect position of the cervical spine causes impaired blood circulation in this area, causing headaches, and contributes to the development of osteochondrosis;

- constantly drooping shoulders and a hunched back create excessive pressure on the chest and diaphragm. There is a negative impact on the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity, the pelvic organs, and the entire genitourinary system of the body.

- the posture of the human body, disturbed for many years, provokes the occurrence of intervertebral hernias, which is, among other things, the cause of severe pain in the back and lower back in middle-aged and older people, up to the inability to move normally.

What affects posture?

Internal factors:

- congenital pathologies and diseases: curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis), rickets, connective tissue diseases;

- spinal injuries: fractures, dislocations, sprains.

External factors:

- sedentary lifestyle: prolonged sitting leads to weakening of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, which can lead to curvature of the spine;

- spending a long time on the phone: incorrect posture when using the phone, for example, with your head down, can lead to curvature of the cervical spine;

- excess weight: excessive load on the spine can lead to its curvature;

- lack of physical activity or, conversely, excessive strength loads. The first leads to weakening of the back muscles, and the second leads to spinal injury.

Why is it necessary to keep your back straight?

- a straight back makes the figure more slender;

- correct posture helps prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. When the muscles of the back and neck are toned, they evenly distribute the load on the spine, preventing its curvature;

- a flat back ensures the anatomically correct location of the internal organs. When the spine is straight, the internal organs are not compressed and function normally.

Some tips to improve your posture:

- stand straight with your heels and toes together, straighten your back and lower your shoulders. If your posture is correct, you will look as if you are being pulled by an invisible thread on the top of your head;

- try to maintain this pose throughout the day;

- regularly perform exercises to strengthen your back and neck muscles.

Attention! The publication is for informational purposes only. If you have problems with your posture, consult your doctor.


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