
How to turn contacts into contracts: an example of the activities of IE Rowachlan Galkynysh


Almost every manufacturer of industrial or food products expects to someday enter the foreign market and promote their products to foreign consumers. Many succeed due to a successful combination of several important factors, including the quality of the product itself, a competent advertising and sales strategy, and the presence of contacts with potential foreign buyers.

Before starting the production of products intended for export, it is necessary to analyze the likely market. At this stage, it is important to establish contacts in the B2B format - business to business, that is, with potential sellers of your products abroad. Negotiations with partners can take place both offline and online. This will immediately assess the prospects for foreign supplies of products.

Also, a potential exporter must be sure that their products are in demand abroad, for which it is necessary to carefully study the sales markets and assess the prospects for profit.

Confidence alone in the demand for goods is not enough. In a highly competitive environment, the level of its quality is important. To convince a potential partner that a product is worthy of competing with other manufacturers, you can use presentations where its properties, quality and price advantages will be presented in the best possible light.

IE Rowachlan Galkynysh, which produces woven polypropylene bags, polypropylene “sleeves” and big bags under the Rowachpack brand, sends its products only for export. The establishment of strong partnerships became possible thanks to the competent work of the company's marketers, the high quality of the products themselves, as well as fruitful negotiations with potential foreign purchasers of products.

Rowachpack polypropylene bags are for food and technical products only. They are made from high quality raw materials. Polypropylene bags are highly durable and environmentally friendly, they permit you to store bulk food products in them for a long time and at the same time protect them from external influences - dampness or dirt. It was the ratio of cost and quality of the company's products that turned out to be the most attractive for foreign purchasers.

Establishment of IE Rowachlan Galkynysh relations with potential foreign purchasers was held in the B2B format. This model is usually used by the manufacturer and supplier of the product, or by the manufacturer of other products. In this case, Rowachlan Galkynysh's clients were manufacturers and suppliers of food products, building materials, mines and others.

Bags, “sleeves” and Rowachpack big bags from Turkmenistan are delivered to Russia and a number of other CIS countries. Representatives of the enterprise, continuing to use the advantages of business meetings in the B2B format, intend to expand the geography of supplies of their products and arrange the export of polypropylene bags to Europe and South America.

Contact details of IE Rowachlan Galkynysh:

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