
Days of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Concluded in Turkmenistan


On October 9, the Days of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Turkmenistan ended.

The cultural event, which was held in Ashgabat for 3 days with great success, became a bright holiday of friendship, creativity and inspiration, TDH reports.

The program of the Days included performances by masters of art on the stage of the capital, screenings of the best films of Kazakh cinema and more.

Thus, high performing skills, uniqueness of national musical and song art were demonstrated by artists of the Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy, the team of the State Academic Concert Organization named after Roza Baglanova. The audience greeted the performances of creative groups with stormy applause in the Palace of Mukams of the State Cultural Center and the cinema and concert center «Turkmenistan».

The Ashgabat cinema screened the films «Dawn of the Great Steppe» and «Paralympic», revealing the themes of love and trust, the search for spiritual principles, and the continuity of generations in the images of ordinary people.

The closing ceremony of the Days was held in the Palace of Mukams of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan. It was attended by representatives of the creative intelligentsia and public organizations of our country, diplomatic missions and missions accredited in Turkmenistan, the media, as well as numerous art lovers.

The gala concert program included Kazakh and Turkmen folk songs, modern pop and folk compositions, glorifying friendship and brotherhood, love and the beauty of nature, the source notes.

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