
The first event in the newly opened Magtymguly Fragi auditorium was held in Tbilisi


The first official event was held in the Magtymguly Fragi auditorium, recently opened at Sukhumi State University in Tbilisi. The round table, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet, brought together representatives of science, culture, political scientists and journalists from Turkmenistan and Georgia. This is stated in the message of the Turkmen diplomatic mission.

Let us remind that the grand opening of the auditorium took place on September 11 this year, and today’s event was the first in a series of planned events aimed at strengthening cultural ties between the two countries.

The round table participants noted the enormous importance of the new audience in strengthening cultural and humanitarian dialogue, friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of Turkmenistan and Georgia. They expressed confidence that this space will become an effective platform for holding joint cultural and scientific events.

The role of such initiatives in popularizing the cultural and historical heritage of both countries and in creating new opportunities for academic and cultural exchange was especially emphasized.

The event attracted the attention of the media of both countries: it was covered by the Georgian TV channel “Objective” and the Turkmen TV channels Turkmenistan and Yashlyk.

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