
Turkmenistan celebrated the 48th anniversary of the Kopetdag nature reserve


The Kopetdag state nature reserve celebrated the 48th anniversary of its creation.

As reported in the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”, the event was held with the support of public associations. During a short meeting, the main areas of work of the reserve were presented, in which a new forestry experimental site has recently appeared on the territory of the Germab section of Bahcha.

The organizers presented valuable gifts to 17 of the best workers of the reserve. Among the best workers was Halmurat Dovletmuradov, head of the Gaurs site, where feed is grown for animals kept in enclosures, and feeders are filled in the winter for ungulates and birds living in the wild. The site workers have ten hectares of cultivated land at their disposal, where clover and grain crops, including barley, are grown.

The reserve's inspector staff was also noted, leading inspectors of the security department Dovrangeldy Tahirov and Oreberdi Nepesov, who are part of the task force that carries out eco-raids. Their job is to ensure non-interference of humans in the affairs of nature within the reserve zone, that is, to suppress poaching and other illegal activities.

They said that in the summer, in order to preserve natural wealth, not only the protected area is inspected, but also natural areas, including water bodies, places of mass recreation for the population, grazing sheep flocks, where educational talks are held, advice is given on how to organize recreation safely for nature, fire and environmental safety rules are explained. Special attention is paid to young people, to educating the culture of behavior in nature, the source notes.

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