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Digest of the main news of Turkmenistan for August 12


Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed moving the Motor Sports Center from Ashgabat, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the participants of the conference dedicated to the Caspian Sea Day, Turkmen athletes took part in the closing of the Olympics and other news


1. National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, during a visit to the Turkmenistan Motor Sports Center in the northern part of the capital, proposed moving this facility. This decision was motivated by concerns for the peace of citizens living in nearby residential buildings, as well as the need to accommodate the growing number of young motorsport enthusiasts. During the visit, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the conditions created for young athletes and personally tested the technical capabilities of one of the sports cars, demonstrating his driving skills using various drifting techniques. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that after determining the new location of the complex, he will submit a corresponding proposal to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country.

2. Today, the scientific and practical conference “Caspian Sea: Partnership for Sustainable Development”, dedicated to the Day of the Caspian Sea, starts in Turkmenistan. On this occasion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed congratulations to the conference participants.

3. The head of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, sent condolences to the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in connection with the crash of a passenger plane in the state of Sao Paulo, which led to numerous casualties. On behalf of the people and the Government, as well as on his own behalf, the President of Turkmenistan conveyed words of sincere empathy and support to the families and friends of those who died at this difficult moment.

4. Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif sent a message to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in which he invited him to visit Pakistan.

5. A competition for the best integrated solutions for e-learning has been announced among teachers in Turkmenistan. The organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. Teachers, scientific and pedagogical staff and other specialists from higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan are invited to participate. The competition is held in three areas: technology and economics; humanities, culture and art, health and sports; exact and natural sciences.

6. A large creative team of Turkmen and Uzbek filmmakers is working together to create a full-length feature film dedicated to the life and creative path of the classical poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi. The new film is planned to be presented at the international film festival “Gorkut Ata”, which is scheduled to be held in Turkmenistan in early November this year.


7. Honeybee Robotics, part of Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, has received funding to develop an ambitious project for the Moon. We are talking about creating “street lights” 100 meters high, which exceeds the size of the Statue of Liberty. The project is designed to solve the problem of long lunar nights, lasting about two Earth weeks. This poses a serious threat to future researchers relying on solar energy. In a promotional video, principal investigator Vishnu Sanigepalli explained how the devices work. The massive structures will store solar energy during the lunar day and then illuminate the surrounding area with powerful floodlights during the two-week night.

8. An unusual and in-demand profession has appeared in China - slipmaker. These professionals help young people with insomnia relax and fall asleep through calming conversations and emotional support. The growing popularity of this profession is associated with an increase in the number of young Chinese experiencing sleep problems. Many of them work in a rigid 9am to 9pm culture, six days a week, which leads to stress and sleep disturbances. A slipmaker's hourly rate can reach 36 USD, and daily earnings can reach up to 4 200 USD, not including tips.


9. Turkmen athletes, along with thousands of athletes from all over the world, took part in the closing ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in Paris. Six representatives of Turkmenistan, competing in four sports - judo, athletics, swimming and weightlifting - completed their performance at the main sporting event of the four-year anniversary.

10. The final stage of the Asian Football Confederation PRO level coaching courses is taking place in Ashgabat. Leading Turkmen specialists, including the head coach of the national team Mergen Orazov, undergo final training modules and pass exams to obtain the highest coaching qualifications.

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