
Events dedicated to Caspian Sea Day are being held in the western region of Turkmenistan


Various events dedicated to the Caspian Sea Day are taking place these days in the Balkan velayat.

Thus, educational quizzes and competitions on the topic of nature conservation are organized for young guests of children's health centers located in the "Avaza" National Tourist Zone.

Specialists of the Balkan velayat branch of the Nature Conservation Society of Turkmenistan conduct propaganda events in institutions, enterprises, organizations, and schools of the Balkan velayat.

The main goal of environmental activities is to instill in young generations a sense of love and respect for nature, create an incentive to live in harmony with nature, and develop such active qualities as care and protection of those who care for it.

Photo competitions, cultural and sports competitions on topics related to the flora and fauna of the Caspian Sea became unforgettable, reports “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

Let us remind you that today the work of the scientific and practical conference “Caspian Sea: partnership for sustainable development” began.

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