A new project is being prepared to assess the scale of adaptation of Turkmenistan to climate change


A new project to assess the scale of adaptation of Turkmenistan to climate change is being prepared for launch.

In this regard, in early July, a delegation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the consulting company FutureWater visited Ashgabat to hold meetings and consultations with specialists from the Ministries of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, as well as the State Committee for Water Resources, nCa reports.

The goal was to establish scientific and practical cooperation within the framework of a new project.

The proposed project will include tasks such as:

  • Strengthening institutional and legislative processes;
  • Measures to adapt to climate change;
  • Mitigation strategies (reducing greenhouse gas emissions);
  • Digitalization in the water sector;
  • Promotion of space technologies.

The project aims to facilitate the identification and conceptualization of initiatives aimed at adaptation to climate change, in particular at increasing the resilience of the water and agricultural sectors of Turkmenistan. This involves creating maps of risks associated with climate change, the source notes.

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