Scientists conducted a study on men's motives for growing a beard


In the last decade, beards have evolved from a niche trend to a mainstream phenomenon. A recent study conducted by scientists from Poland and Italy reveals the underlying reasons why men decide to grow a beard.

The results of a survey of 414 men aged 18 to 40, published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, showed that motives for wearing a beard varied and depended on the type of facial hair.

Interestingly, public perception of bearded men is mixed. On the one hand, they are considered healthier, more capable of self-defense, and more trustworthy. On the other hand, some perceive them as more aggressive than clean-shaven men.

The study found that men with full facial hair valued long-term relationships more and were more interested in caring for their family. At the same time, men with less pronounced hair show a greater tendency to compete in attracting attention.

Scientists emphasize that growing a beard is not an attempt to compensate for a lack of masculinity. On the contrary, it can be a way of demonstrating status, readiness for fatherhood and commitment to family values.

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