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The global report “World Population in 2024” was presented in Ashgabat


In Ashgabat, at the Ýyldyz Hotel, a presentation of the global report “World Population in 2024” took place today, dedicated to the World Population Day celebrated annually on this day.

As TDH reports, the event was organized jointly by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Office in Turkmenistan and the Government of the country.

Members of the Mejlis, employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a number of ministries and departments, the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, the Institute of State, Law and Democracy, the National Red Crescent Society, the media, as well as heads of diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in our country were invited to the forum.

As the speakers emphasized, the widespread celebration of World Population Day, established in December 1990 by a special Resolution of the UN General Assembly, is extremely important for attracting the attention of the international community to pressing population issues in the context of plans and programs for global and national development, as well as the search for solutions to common problems.

This is the goal of the Global World Population Report 2024, the essence of which is reflected in its title “Intertwined Destinies, Threads of Hope: Eliminating Inequalities in Reproductive Health and Rights.”

The document, which gives a general idea of the current situation in the world and the problems faced by residents of different countries today, highlights issues of paramount importance to humanity. First of all, this concerns the empowerment of women in the field of reproductive health.

As you know, this year the world marks the thirtieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where a seminal global agreement was signed committing to better health, rights and choices for all. This priority has contributed to further significant progress in this direction and is included in the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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