The works of two Turkmen artists took part in the exhibition “Women’s Universe of the Turkic World”


The works of artists Hatija Amansahedova and Aynagozel Nuriyeva represented Turkmenistan at the exhibition “Women's Universe of the Turkic World”, which was held at the Gapar Aitiev National Museum of Fine Arts in Bishkek.

As “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” reports, the exhibition brought together the best works of artists from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan.

The opening ceremony of the event was attended by the Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev, the ambassadors of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, as well as cultural figures.

Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev emphasized that the exhibition, aimed at uniting women artists from Turkic countries, is being held for the first time. Despite the fact that all the works belong to artists of the Turkic world, they are very diverse: they differ in styles, schools, views and forms.

Artists from Turkmenistan offered for the exhibition picturesque portraits and still lifes, created by them in the national style.

Within the framework of the exhibition, a round table was held on the topic “Women in art in its historical, cultural and social aspects”. Master classes were also held for students of Bishkek fine arts schools.

The participants of the creative forum were presented with catalogs of the exhibition “Women Artists of the Turkic World”.

It is planned that the exhibition will be organized in other Turkic states and will become a traditional event. Next year it is planned to hold a similar exhibition in the city of Aktau, Kazakhstan.

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