A revolutionary vaccine against all types of cancer was successfully tested in Russia


The first trials of a revolutionary vaccine against all types of cancer were conducted in Russia, and it showed good results. The head of the Center N. F. Gamaleya, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Gunzburg spoke about this in a conversation with “Gazeta.Ru”.

The first testing of the drug was carried out on mice that were artificially inoculated with melanoma. After this, some rodents were given the vaccine, while others were not. On day 15, when the animals' immune systems began to work, scientists saw a large difference in tumor size between vaccinated and unvaccinated mice. Those rodents that received the vaccine are alive. In those unvaccinated, deaths were recorded between days 19 and 22. Gunzburg added that the experiment is currently ongoing.

“Indeed, a universal technology has been created that permits us to solve literally all the problems of oncology. How this will be implemented in practice is another matter”, - he noted.

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