
An official reception was held in Ashgabat on the occasion of Azerbaijan's Independence Day


The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Ashgabat organized an official reception on the occasion of the Republic's Independence Day, which is celebrated on May 28.

During his speech at the event, Ambassador Gismet Gezalov emphasized the role of Azerbaijan in the implementation of major international projects, such as the Southern Gas Corridor, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the East-West and North-South transport routes.

Regarding bilateral relations with Turkmenistan, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan pointed to intensive contacts at the highest level and an increase in trade turnover by 75% last year to almost 800 million USD. He highlighted joint energy projects and the declaration of 2024 in Azerbaijan as the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World” in connection with the upcoming UN climate conference COP 29 in Baku.

The banquet was accompanied by national Azerbaijani music. Guests were presented with dishes and drinks of Azerbaijani cuisine, as well as sweets. The event demonstrated materials about the history, culture, art, carpet weaving and tourism potential of Azerbaijan. National musical instruments and Made in Azerbaijan brand products were exhibited.

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