
The exhibition “Izzat Klychev and Italy” opened in Ashgabat


On May 22, the Museum of Fine Arts in Ashgabat hosted the opening of the exhibition “Izzat Klychev and Italy”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Italian embassy in Turkmenistan.

Presented here are the paintings of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Izzat Klychev, which he painted during his visits to Italy in the period from the 1960s to the 1970s.

In the master’s works one can feel admiration for the landscapes and architecture of Italy.

His paintings focus on the centuries-old culture and unique historical sights of Italian cities: Rome, Venice, Naples, Florence.

Izzat Klychev is the first Turkmen artist who brought national fine art to the world level. His creative heritage is enormous and is a major contribution to the treasury of Turkmen and world art.

See photo report from the exhibition here.

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