
WHO calls for reduction in salt intake to save 900 thousand lives


The World Health Organization (WHO) calls for reducing salt intake to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease.

According to a new WHO report, 42,5% of all deaths in Europe are associated with cardiovascular diseases, including those caused by excess salt intake. Every day 10 thousand people die from these diseases. Moreover, men are 2,5 times more likely to be at risk than women.

Hypertension, the “silent killer”, is an asymptomatic disease that kills almost a quarter of Europeans, the highest rate in the world.

Reducing your salt intake can save lives. WHO experts recommend limiting daily salt intake to 5 grams, but in most European countries this figure is exceeded. Excessive salt consumption, especially in fast food, has a negative impact on health.

The WHO report offers a comprehensive action plan to combat excessive salt consumption. Reducing it by 25% by 2030, according to experts, will save 900 thousand lives. reports this with a link to the organization’s website.

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