
Overweight people pose a “financial threat” to the economy, scientists say


Experts from the Vienna Institute for Advanced Study found that severely obese Britons take sick leave twice as often as their normal-weight counterparts. Scientists came to this conclusion after presenting the results of their study at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO), which takes place in Italy from May 12 to 15.

The study analyzed data on the working ability of 147 million people from 28 countries. The information was obtained from various national surveys that assessed the health of the population, as well as from comments from the participants themselves.

An analysis of UK working ability data showed that obese people (BMI over 30) were 23% more likely to be absent from work due to health problems. People with severe obesity (BMI over 40) take sick leave more than twice as often (118%). Scientists noted that the main reasons for employees with a high body mass index to go on sick leave are cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

The study authors emphasized that obesity has many other negative health consequences, such as musculoskeletal problems and depression. Missing work due to obesity-related illnesses and early disability of people “reduces economic productivity” and “poses a financial risk”. This is reported by

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